Need some personalized support?
Trying to decide what foods to cut next? Looking for tips and tricks to make sure you're eliminating correctly? Concerned about your nutrition or baby's during this season?
Meet your consultant, Susanna!
Susanna Sauers is the founder of Fed Well Baby, a support platform for those who are breastfeeding infants or toddlers through elimination diets for food allergies and sensitivities! She is a Holistic Nutrition Consultant specializing in pregnancy and postpartum and she breastfed two babies herself with infant food allergies. Susanna brings over 5 years of experience in elimination diets, reintroduction strategies, and coaching. She recently took a break from consultations after the birth of her third baby in August, and is gearing back up to start doing consults again in 2023!
Meet your consultant, Susanna!
Susanna Sauers is the founder of Fed Well Baby, a support platform for those who are breastfeeding infants or toddlers through elimination diets for food allergies and sensitivities! She is a Holistic Nutrition Consultant specializing in pregnancy and postpartum and she breastfed two babies herself with infant food allergies. Susanna brings over 5 years of experience in elimination diets, reintroduction strategies, and coaching.